
Showing posts from January, 2016

Mustangs, Land, Horses, Decisions--from a Horse Girl

Jen with JJ Kings Hank "Hank"--the best horse in the world  I watched the excellent documentary Unbranded ( on Netflix last night. The point of it was to prove that Mustangs are awesome horses. This documentary proved that they are well-suited to doing range riding.  However, they have their downfalls and this was also shown. They start out as WILD. There is a streak of wild in them that can be tamed out of them, mostly. But it isn't always or sometimes ever tamed out and oftentimes, you can never fully trust the horse. (And this is true of any 1000 lb animal, no matter what. I know this. Horses are easily startled, they can fall down, &c. These things happen.) The other thing that was mentioned is they need daily interaction and care. Both of these issues make owning a Mustang difficult. More about this later. I have been exposed to many breeds of horses in our many years of running a boarding stable or leasing out space in