
Showing posts from February, 2017

Tea and Sympathy, Hold the Advice

In the last few years when Facebook became a legitimate means of communication with people I will never meet face to face, I have become aware of a common penchant that has become epidemic. Now, it may be that this practice is as old as anything, but it didn't seem as rampant as it is now. This epidemic is people's need to tell others what to do . I think, for the most part, these people are coming from a caring place. Someone, meaning me, complains or whines or even just makes a statement (my boss said the yuckiest thing at work today) and immediately, someone is there, lickety split, with a solution. I've heard more advice from my friends, Facebook and real, than I ever got from a therapist. It's like everyone is an expert. Okay, so here's the thing. Many times I actually ask for advice. Yo, I'm not shy. If I don't know what I'm doing, I am the first person to say so. I have been known to go into a shop and actually bleat: "I NEED HELP."