To Love Your Peeps, Sometimes Ya Gotta Cook: Part One

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” 
― George Bernard ShawMan and Superman
Okay, for those of you who know me moderately well, you know I hate to cook. And many of you may know that I read cooking magazines voraciously, hungrily. Yes, I punned it. Get over it.

For those who know me a little better, you know I have suffered from (and overcome, thanks to a loving, gentle Lord) anorexia nervosa. Even now, I'd be happy if I never had to eat again. I think it's a waste of time, but since I am hoping to run some 5Ks and even (maybe) a 10K (maybe), food is required as fuel.

For my chosen few, you know I struggle with guilt every. single. day. and work to let it go, heal the hurts inside that drive me to beat myself up, and be of good cheer.

What does that have to do with that quote? I'll tell you.

I have made up my mind to learn how to be happy about cooking. I have made up my mind to cook more than quesadillas, lunch meat sandwiches (which qualify as cooking for me), salad, oatmeal, toast, funeral potatoes, and homemade chips and black bean salsa (though this is one of the finest foods ever on this planet, so there.)

Now, I will not be eating most of these new and upgraded foods. I'll eat my salads, which consist of lettuce, dried cranberries, kidney beans, and sunflower seeds. But you know what? With my commitment to cooking, maybe I'll start throwing in some other veggies. What the heck?

But I have two men living with me--my husband and my grown college-attending son who have quietly suggested (my son) and not so quietly complained (husband) that I don't cook enough. And I cook the same things when I do cook. Now, before you get all, yo, this is the new age--you don't have to cook, Jen. Where's your feminism, sister? The thing is, I work less than my dudes do. So, the 'woman's work' is left to me and I'm cool with that. Well, cool as I can be and still be a crappy cook. I'd rather cook than get up early and go to work for a full-time job. So since I'm not working a full-time job, the time has come to be happy about being the cook.

 Because I've had a stupor of thought about cooking, and because I have rather unusual and often difficult eating habits, I never know what to make. So, this is my resolve. Whenever I get a new magazine that has recipes in it, I will look through, find a recipe that I think (hope!) I can do and fix it. I will ask my guys to rate it, I will post photos here, I will DO this. I will!

I received Rachael Ray's magazine today and scanned it. I will be choosing a recipe within three days. And cooking and serving it. Yo.

Wish me luck!

PS: I read this to husband before I published it. He said, "Do we have to wait three days until we get something to eat?"


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