The Opportunity to Look Inward

 For weeks, I've been blogging and replying to a multitude of FB posts to STAY POSITIVE. Don't name call. Don't get angry. When people who are following other candidates say something horrible, don't reply! Unless it's with respect and kindness. I have had many positive responses to my plea. Sadly, I've received negative responses to this. too.

I can't say this strongly or pleadingly enough--DO. NOT. GO. TO. THEIR. LEVEL.

It is so hard to not get upset. My goodness! Lying, cheating--blatantly! Little to no honest mainstream media coverage. I mean, the list goes on and on.

But so does Bernie. And so will we.

Here's the thing:

The people who have been planning this evil have been doing this for years, maybe decades. #Berners are a rather new (and amazing!) phenomenon. And we are rocking the boat! But as we gather tighter, closer, and more filled with love, passion and courage, that ball of light that is US (not me!) will dispel the darkness. WE MUST NOT DOUBT. This is a righteous desire. Don't let any darkness in. Then they win. I know your sadness or anger or even fear, but I cannot give up my love for my country when those who are willing to practice evil are damaging my nation. I WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN and it really does begin with me. And you. It begins with us!

Please consider this next bit by a friend of mine from a FB group for Energy Healers. If this isn't usually your thing, I'm asking you to let go of your skepticism and look at this. If it resonates with you, great! If not, that's okay, too.

 This is from the Healers for Bernie’s owner, Jana:
This is where it gets real. The usual path is proving to be incredibly difficult, but this is not over. We see an awakening happening? We see a fight between good and evil? And we believe we can win this fight using the usual channels? Not likely, as we are really seeing. So it's our turn to turn it up.

We are needed, and that is not egoist, imaginary, or unicorn land. This is an energetic reality. It's time to dig deep and do our personal and spiritual work around this as if our lives depend on it. It's easy to get down, I have been down lately. But today I have a new resolve because I am accepting that this is going to take one of those everyday miracles that we can manifest. It starts by drilling into our own fears, this is individual inner work as well as collective work.
So. I invite each of you to dive into the felt sense of your doubts and fears. Go into it deeply, resisting the urge to create a story around it, or even label it. Go even quieter, and deeper into it, and listen to that felt sense. It's very likely a vestige of unhealed pain from the past that is begging to be resolved, and Bernie is giving us the opportunity to look at it, find its roots, let it move, grow, and shift inside of us until it settles into integration.
The waves of our personal healing go directly into the collective in a way that would crush us with its beauty if we could clearly see it.
Share with us. What is happening when you do your work? How are your fears shifting? This is a gift to others, exposing our own vulnerability in this way.
I love you.
 Jana finishes this with love. And that is my final message in this blog. Bernie has brought us together because we love our country. We are troubled by some of the things that are happening. And we have been blessed with a leader who is willing to overturn the rocks and look underneath, clean things ups and make the USA great--a clean, honest nation run with integrity that gives all of its citizens a chance for a good, healthy, productive, happy life. 
 My sincere entreaty is you leave HC behind. Leave her behind. All the dishonesty, all the cheating, all the meanness. Do. Not. Be. Like. Them! Do not engage in battles. Do not post memes about her at all. Ever. Do not try to be right. We already are right and will not convince them. So don't mess up OUR energy by stooping to their level! 
We love the future in Bernie's hands. We love our country. And most of all, we love each other. My offer here is to stand tall, take my hand, take the hands of as many Berners as you can, and tell them, I love you. And then, (stick with me now), say out loud, "I love you, Bernie Sanders." Why do I ask you to do this? Because LOVE is the strongest, purest, most courageous power on the earth. What will happen when millions of people say these five words: I love you, Bernie Sanders?

A revolution.


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