Monologues and Other Theatrical Horrors
I am in a very intense film acting class. It is like group therapy, and I mean that in the best sense possible. But it took me a half-hour of crying last night, sad that I had chosen a stupid monologue, I wasn't one of the cool kids because I was old, and all the other crap that came billowing out of my crying heart to hear one of my patient classmates say: why not choose a new monologue? I was like, can I do that? I think back to this and wonder, why was I so afraid to change my monologue? What was holding me back? There are implications here. Big Implications. I consider myself a strong person. I've been told by gazillions of people that I am a strong person. Except I have you all fooled! I am an insecure person who waits for permission all the time, permission for things that I have complete control over! I look for validation, stamps of approval, and a big ol' nod for things when all I would have had to do is ask, is this okay? Or even better: Here's what I...