The Sad Saga of the Leatherette Couch

As is often the case these days, I was reading a funny kid story on a friend's Facebook wall and remembered something that happened when I was around 6.

My mother was selling a big Leatherette couch, and even though I was little then, I do think the couch was like, seven feet long. It was light gray, and sticky and uncomfortable to sit on.

I remember vividly when the seller came to pick up the couch and they pulled it away from the wall. On the back of the couch, in big huge permanent black letters read: J e n n y. But the J was backwards. And when I say the letters were big, I mean they stretched the entire back of the couch.

I do not remember doing this to the couch. How did I even pull it from the wall to write those big letters? I do not remember if that particular buyer took the couch. I do not remember if my mother had to lower the price or even give the couch away. She is gone now and I can't ask her. I do remember the look on her face and the sputtering she did when she first glanced my spelling masterpiece on the back of the couch. I don't remember if she got mad, but I do remember her confusion about how I did the deed.

I rarely pull my couches from the wall to clean (true story--don't judge) but I have pulled them from the wall enough to know there are no names scrawled on their backs. If there were, I'd know that karma was at work.

To my mother's credit, I also remember her laughing whenever she re-told the story.

This is not THE couch, of course. Ours was lighter and on the back, well, you know that part.


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