#BWW--This Stands for #Bernie Would Have Won--and He Would Have

On Facebook, they have this, look back and see what's happened in years past thingie. "Your Memories on Facebook." I've enjoyed looking at my memories--what the weather was like it years past, when I've been able to ride because the weather was great, when I had to stay indoors when the weather wasn't. I have some weird posts like, "I have a secret and soon I'll be able to tell it," and I think, JEN, what was the secret??? I also have some, boy, this show I'm in is great, but there's been so many shows I can't remember which one it was.

The posts that make me the saddest, though, besides the ones about my son who passed away, are all my hopeful, amazing #Bernie posts. WE HAD THIS, PEOPLE. He was so the clear winner. The rallies! The little bird! The momentum! WE HAD THIS. 

Then, as the days go by, my "memories" relate post after post after post of voter tampering, voter fraud, polls closing, registrations getting "lost." People standing in lines for hours, missing work, missing home and family to #VoteForBernie. We saw it all happen--so much cheating, lying, corrupting America and our way to have a voice. And there wasn't a damn thing that was done. Yes, I just swore. Those of you who know me know I don't swear. So listen up, people. LISTEN UP.

We were swindled and boy, were we swindled! SHE got the nomination unfair and unsquare. And then, as if by Karma, HE won.

And here we are now. 

Things suck. They really suck. And those who like(d) HIM, many of them feel like they've been ripped off. And they have. Many of us who wanted money for schools and healthcare and food are having our tax dollars spent on presidential golf and paying for the FLOTUS live in NYC with the first son. Things really suck. Those who like HER (and many still do--why?) are angry because HE won. People, BERNIE WOULD HAVE WON. 

Clinton vs. Trump
Sanders vs. Trump
Sanders advantage over Clinton
Clinton +3
Sanders +15
Sanders by 12
Clinton +6
Sanders +13
Sanders by 7
Trump +3
Sanders +4
Sanders by 7
Clinton +6
Sanders +11
Sanders by 5
Clinton +13
Sanders +16
Sanders by 3
Clinton +7
Sanders +12
Sanders by 5
Clinton +11
Sanders +15
Sanders by 4
Clinton +3
Sanders +10
Sanders by 7
So, now what? I have few answers but this is what I do know:

  • Complaining does nothing. When you put DT's name out there, you are sending a positive message out to the Universe. The Universe only 'hears' positive. See how I said DT and not <his name>? It's because we don't need any more energy spent on him. So, shut up about him. Call him the candidate. Call him the despot. I don't care. Just don't say his name.
  • Trust in the Lord and Pray. Get on your knees and pray. Pray as you're driving to work. Pray as you're eating your lunch. I am reminded of the scriptures in the Book of Mormon about relying on God. To explain, Nephi and his family have left Jerusalem to go camping and escape destruction. (Camping--ick, avoiding destruction--good.) They need the plates of Laban, a leader in Jerusalem--God tells them to get the plates so their language won't be lost and they need their genealogy. Nephi grabs his remarkably crabby brothers and off they go. They have a bad experience with Laban, who won't give up the plates and the brothers start whining, how can we get the plates? Laban has so many soldiers, blah blah blah. Here are the brilliant scriptures that sustain me all the livelong day, every day:

1 Nephi 4

And it came to pass that I spake unto my brethren, saying: Let us go up again unto Jerusalem, and let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?
Therefore let us go up; let us be strong like unto Moses; for he truly spake unto the waters of the Red Sea and they divided hither and thither, and our fathers came through, out of captivity, on dry ground, and the armies of Pharaoh did follow and were drowned in the waters of the Red Sea.
  • Get involved and stay involved. Write to #Bernie, for Pete's sake! Talk to your local leaders. Watch what's happening in our world and talk about it. You don't like what's happening? Say something! Don't be angry. Look for solutions--talk about strength, power, good that we have, not how horrible things are (like the beginning of my post is. This is just for example, not how I am usually.) Or, don't ONLY talk about horrible things. Start fighting back--talk to your elected officials. Start focusing on those who will work on the agenda you want. 
  • Because I believe in the power of positive energy, start visualizing what you want, no matter how unbelievable or hard to imagine it is. Imagine #BERNIESANDERS in the White House. SEE it. We literally have nothing to lose here except the bad that is going on now. Think of the lives we'll save, the good that will happen. Don't believe it will? Well, then pretend to believe. Watch how your vibrations raise. We all do this and miracles will happen. 
If you have other ideas on how to right this wrong, comment. Our world deserves better.


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