An Empty Nester Christmas, Star Wars and a Day of Gluten-Filled Food
Christmas was different this year than any other. Last year was our first no-kid-at-home Christmas, but I was so sick, it didn't matter. This year, I'm healthy as can be, but I was so busy with getting missionaries taken care of, by Christmas Eve, I was worn out, wrung out and standing in the middle of the evening with nothing to do. Hubs and I bickered, which was unfortunate. But I realize now I was dipping after the high energy of asking for, gathering and delivering Christmas gifts to missionaries for weeks. It was a high, and then came the inevitable low. Christmas Day, our son on an LDS mission Skyped with us. For those who don't know, we only get two phone calls per year. Yes, you read that right--PER YEAR. We get emails every week. But no texts. No calls but the two. He's in Massachusetts, the land of my father and ancestors. Where it is 65 degrees to our 30 and lower in Utah. And our hour-long Skype was wonderful. Too short but satisfying all t...