Random thoughts on 12.21.15

So everyone who was in the theater to watch Don Verdean had a vested interest in it. Meaning we were all extras. We all laughed a lot. It's a funny show, but there is special delight in saying, out loud in the theater, "There I am!"

Just like everyone believes they are good drivers, everyone thinks they're nice. But if your judgmental and/or mean comments make nice, gentle people leave a FB group in cyber tears, you aren't nice. Just sayin'.

My living room is now almost completely full with Christmas-for-Missionaries stuff. My strategy is to take the Christmas bags to the Temple Square Mission. I am really hoping they'll take them all! All the clothing items are going to Boston. And the food stays here in a special corner of my family room and once a month, I am going to do the rounds of nearby missions, giving food packages to the mission hoes to dole out to needy missionaries. At first, the more stuff I got, the more freaked out I got. But now, I'm housing love and a willingness to give. What can be wrong with that? A little organization and I will have the most loved house in the county!

My son asks, "We'll be calling at 10 AM our time. That's 8 AM for you. Is that okay?" Of course, any time I can talk to my son is AWESOME, but I had to laugh. How long have you known me, son? You know I'm not much for mornings. I love that kid!


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