There's Snow Rejection Going on Here

It is snowing. And snowing. I feel trapped. I didn't exercise today, and this is huge, since it takes an act of Congress to keep me from exercising. Oh! Was that a political comment? It wasn't meant to be, but that's a blog for another day.

Along with being trapped by snow, I found out that someone I thought was a friend isn't one. The thing is, were we ever Facebook friends? Or did we just message? I can't remember, but I do remember being friendLY. We were friendLY. So I went to tag her today and I couldn't. It was a weird and ridiculously unsettling experience. Here in cyberspace, you don't hear the slam of the phone after someone saying, "I don't like you anymore and I don't want to be your friend!" You don't hear anything. It's silent rejection. And it feels weird, and remarkably awkward.

I remember I did a show years ago and Facebooked all the members of the cast. It was an unusual show--I had the lead but was not one of the Cool Kids. Super awkward and I felt galumphy and inexperienced and old. One of the young women in the cast, a rather haughty type, messaged back and forth with me from time to time, replied with friendliness on my posts. After a year or so, I noticed I hadn't seen her posts and thought, hmm, she must be off Facebook. Um, no. She not only unfriended me, but apparently blocked me as well. That is a really strange feeling because, for me, I didn't know when it happened and even more troubling was why. It wouldn't bother me much, but as an actress, is she trashing me to possible directors? What happened? Has she told certain directors, "Well, I won't be in any show that Jennifer Mustoe is in." This unfriending and blocking thing can make a person (me) a little paranoid. Or maybe just really really smart. Who knows?

So here I am, trapped in snow and being rejected by people I may or may not ever see, or ever see again.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the hot summer when you can go running at 11:42 PM and it's cool enough to go.


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