My Christmas Miracle

About a week ago, I felt the tears, the sadness of others, which isn't unusual, as I am an Empath. But it was so poignant and so real, I couldn't keep it in.

Let me tell you what happened. In my Church (LDS/Mormon), young men at age 18+ and young women age 19+ have the opportunity to serve 18-month or 2-year missions. They leave family and friends and sleeping in and popular music and thousands of other "normal" teenage activities to serve the Lord. They perform service--my son shoveled snow for months in New Hampshire--teach people about God, love people. They have great faith.

Some of these missionaries come from homes that either have little to no money or their families have cut them off for being Mormon and going on a mission. These kids get no letters, no emails, no packages and no Christmas. In every mission in the Church (and there are 418 of them), there are missionaries who never get anything. This breaks my heart. It really breaks my heart.

Last year, I got donations for Christmas for three missions--my local mission in Provo, some things for one of the Salt Lake missions and one big wonderful box to my son's MA Boston mission.

This year, starting before Thanksgiving, the pain came again. I could feel the hope of these missionaries that someone would give them Christmas presents. I felt their hope, but their doubt, too. Would someone give them a present when they'd never received anything? I felt it so much I cried, I prayed and I asked people to give.

And then I got a miracle. People gave so much to the Provo mission that when I talked to one of the sisters there on Friday, she said, "We have an avalanche!" I called around and found out that the mission on Temple Square still needs stuff--thank goodness! For the last three days, people have been dropping off packages, bags of presents, boxes of food, gorgeous scarves, hats, mittens, socks. One family gave me so much it filled the back of my car.

It is a miracle.

If I ever doubted the possibility of manifesting a miracle, I don't now. I have the car-full and couch-full of packages to prove it.

The thing is, I don't feel that sadness anymore. The yearning hope and doubt from those missionaries that never got anything? It's gone!

But we're not done yet! There are still thousands of missionaries in our wonderful world that won't get any Christmas gifts this year. This. Will. Not. Do. My goal is that this miracle multiplies, manifests to a magnitude where every missionary in every mission gets a Christmas package. From what has happened this 2015 Christmas--with friends, neighbors and strangers who have arrived at my door with their amazing goodness and willingness to give--supplying Christmas to the Lord's servants --I know I can, with God's help and the goodness of many people, energize this effort.

To all who have given this year--your Christmas just got a bunch better. You'll see. Thank you times infinity. I love you very much.




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