I Stand for Truth

Many years ago, I knew a woman who'd been horribly abused by many of her family members. I remember watching her cry until I thought she would die of a broken heart. I wondered how she could endure this. Her family denied the abuse. Her siblings turned against her. She had issues with a capital *I*.

I asked her once how she could handle all of it. She replied simply, "I stand for truth."

That statement is one of the tenets that I have since embraced in my own life. I ask myself: does this help me stand for truth? If I stand for truth, how should I behave?

At the end of this election experience, aka fiasco aka revolution, I know that my working for Bernie Sanders leads me to answer my own questions with yes.

Does working for Bernie Sanders help me stand for truth?

If I stand for truth, how should I behave?
Support Bernie Sanders to ensure he becomes the next president of the United States of America.

And so it is.


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