The Easiness of Negativity, The Difficulty of Positivity

Today, as the dust settles on Bernie's fantastic victories in ID and UT and the sludge being dragged into the light about whatever it was that happened in Arizona and how can we fix it and will anyone even try to fix it, what I'm seeing is a lot of angry people. We all want to know what happened there--and elsewhere. Is the media not covering Bernie properly? Is Bernie as popular as Hillary? Or more?

Things are getting stressed. My Hillary fan friends tell me all the reasons why she is so great, but in a rather vicious and almost superior way. Like, "Oh, you like Bernie. You're one of those. When you get more educated on the facts (meaning, reading the polls that favor Hillary), you'll see."

My Bernie friends too are scrambling, looking for stats to prove he will be the president, which I actually think will happen.

What troubles me is how easy it is to become negative toward others, even those on the same side (meaning those who share my admiration for Bernie) as we strive to see our respective candidates make their way to the White House.

My biggest concern, and one I've talked with a few people on Facebook, is how this is panning out energetically. Well, I don't say it that way, because when I even hint that it might be a good idea to not put down Hillary, I am accused of liking her. It isn't about that, I want to scream. It isn't about not liking her or liking her. It isn't about her at all! It's about really liking Bernie! I am committed to giving all the positive energy I can to him--so much that I don't have time or energy for anything else. I am getting, in some cases, as much flack from the Bernie camp as those who like Hillary (and Cruz, for that matter.)

The thing is, we manifest what we are thinking. We manifest what our vibrations are sending out to the universe. You say nasty things about Hillary and the others? Post mean memes about her? Call her or Republicans in general ugly names? Guess what? You are creating negativity around you and who will it hurt? Answer: Bernie Sanders. I'm saying that again. When you are mean or ugly about anyone or anything in this election, you are hurting Bernie. Straight up.

Phonebank. Donate. Facebank. Put on bumper stickers. Wear your Bernie shirts. Do all those good things. And keep on saying, showing, acting--all of that FOR Bernie. And lay off Hillary. Lay off Cruz. Yes, even lay off Trump. The negativity you are sending out AFFECTS BERNIE'S CAMPAIGN. The negativity you are creating lessens his chances!

If you are one who has made a habit of saying horrible things about Hillary, even if they're true, I challenge you to go 48 hours without saying or posting anything particularly nasty about her. I don't care if something ironclad comes out about her in those 48 hours. Shut it!

Sadly, there are going to be people who read this and immediately think I'm a Hillary troll or a spy. Those who know me know this isn't true. My belief is this: talk UP your candidate, don't talk DOWN others. Shut it for 48 hours. What you will find is you will feel lighter, more hope, less worry, more energy and you will be inspired to do the very best for Bernie you can.


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